Lecture 1
AVL Tree
平衡因子 balance factor = h(L) - h(R)
定义 AVL Tree: 每个节点的 BF 满足
∣ B F ∣ ≤ 1 (1) |BF| \le 1 \tag{1}
∣ BF ∣ ≤ 1 ( 1 )
对节点操作后, 需要通过旋转 Rotation 进行维护, 以满足条件 (1)
insert as in BST
restore the balance with rotation (O ( log n ) O(\log n ) O ( log n ) nodes become imbalanced)
首先从插入点开始, 向上找到第一个不平衡点 u
LL case 对 u 右旋
RR case 对 u 左旋
LR case 对 v 左旋后转化为 LL case
RL case 对 v 右旋后转化为 RR case
delete as in BST
restore balance
[Lemma] Every deletion in AVL Tree is essentially to remove a leave
同样的, 从删除的叶子节点向上找到第一个不平衡点, 按照上文提到的方法维护即可
Q: 删除节点后, 有多少个节点会不平衡?
A: 一个
Q: 多少次旋转后, AVL Tree 会平衡?
A: log n
为了减少删除时, 旋转的开支, 引入红黑树
Red Black Tree
Final Exam 前背就行
AVL 树插入操作的 C++ version
#include <iostream> using namespace std;struct AvlTree { int value, height; AvlTree* left_child; AvlTree* right_child; AvlTree (){ this ->value = -1 ; this ->height = 0 ; this ->left_child = this ->right_child = nullptr ; } int get_height () ; int get_value () ; void insert (int x) ; void left_rotation () ; void right_rotation () ; void left_right_rotation () ; void right_left_rotation () ; void update_height () ; }; void AvlTree::update_height () { this ->height = max (this ->left_child->get_height (), this ->right_child->get_height ()) + 1 ; } int AvlTree::get_value () { return this ->value; } int AvlTree::get_height () { return this ->height; } void AvlTree::insert (int x) { if (this ->value == -1 ){ this ->value = x; this ->height = 0 ; this ->left_child = new AvlTree (); this ->right_child = new AvlTree (); } else if (x < this ->value){ this ->left_child->insert (x); if (this ->left_child->get_height () - this ->right_child->get_height () >= 2 ){ if (x < this ->left_child->get_value ()){ this ->right_rotation (); } else { this ->left_right_rotation (); } } } else { this ->right_child->insert (x); if (this ->right_child->get_height () - this ->left_child->get_height () >= 2 ){ if (x > this ->right_child->get_value ()){ this ->left_rotation (); } else { this ->right_left_rotation (); } } } this ->update_height (); } void AvlTree::left_rotation () { auto this_value = this ->value; auto l = this ->left_child; auto r = this ->right_child; auto rl = this ->right_child->left_child; auto rr = this ->right_child->right_child; this ->value = r->value; this ->right_child = rr; this ->left_child = new AvlTree (); this ->left_child->value = this_value; this ->left_child->left_child = l; this ->left_child->right_child = rl; this ->left_child->update_height (); this ->update_height (); } void AvlTree::right_rotation () { auto this_value = this ->value; auto l = this ->left_child; auto r = this ->right_child; auto ll = this ->left_child->left_child; auto lr = this ->left_child->right_child; this ->value = l->value; this ->left_child = ll; this ->right_child = new AvlTree (); this ->right_child->value = this_value; this ->right_child->left_child = lr; this ->right_child->right_child = r; this ->right_child->update_height (); this ->update_height (); } void AvlTree::left_right_rotation () { this ->left_child->left_rotation (); this ->right_rotation (); } void AvlTree::right_left_rotation () { this ->right_child->right_rotation (); this ->left_rotation (); } int main () { auto t = new AvlTree (); int n; cin >> n; for (int i = 0 ; i < n; ++i){ int x; cin >> x; t->insert (x); } cout << t->get_value (); }