Chapter 1 Algorithm Analysis


An algorithm must satisfy

  • input 0 or more input
  • output at least 1 output
  • definiteness clear and unambigeous
  • finiteness terminate after finite number of steps
  • effectiveness


What to analyze

Time complexity

tips: return;, a=1; should be counted when using T(N)

Asymptotic Notation

  • T(N)=O(f(N)),T(N)cf(N),N>n0(smallest)T(N) = O(f(N)), T(N)\le c\cdot f(N), \forall N>n_0(smallest)
  • T(N)=Ω(g(N)),T(N)cg(N),N>n0(largest)T(N) = \Omega(g(N)), T(N)\ge c\cdot g(N), \forall N>n_0(largest)
  • T(N)=Θ(h(N)),T(N)=O(h(N))T(N) = \Theta(h(N)), T(N)= O(h(N))
  • T(N)=o(p(N)),if T(N)=O(p(N)) and T(N)Θ(p(N))T(N) = o(p(N)),if\ T(N)=O(p(N))\ and\ T(N)\ne\Theta(p(N))

[Eg1] Matrix addition

void add( int a[][ MAX_SIZE ], int b[][ MAX_SIXE ], int c[][ MAX_SIZE ], int rows, int cols){
int i,j;
for( i = 0; i < cols; ++i){
for( j = 0; j < rows; ++j){
c[i][j] = a [i][j] + b[i][j];

T(rows,cols)=2rowscols+2rows+1T(rows,cols)=2rows\cdot cols+2rows+1

O(rows,cols)=rowscolsO(rows,cols)=rows\cdot cols

[Eg2] Summing a list of numbers (iterative)

float sum( float list[], int n ){
float temp_sum = 0; // count = 1
int i; // no add count
for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ){ // count += 1
temp_sum += list[i]; // count += 1
return temp_sum; // count += 1


[Eg3] Summing a list of numbers (recursive)

float sum( float list[], int n ){
if( n ){ // count = 1
return sum( list, n-1 ) + list[n-1]; // count += 1
return 0; // count += 1


Space complexity


Compare the Algorithms

[Eg] Max Subsequence Sum Problem Given integers A1A_1, A2A_2, …, AnA_n, find the maximum value of sum from AiA_i to AjA_j

  1. Algo.1
for i: n
for j: n
sum for k: i->j
compare sum

T(N)=O(N3)T(N) = O(N^3)

  1. Algo.2
for i: n
for j: i->n
sum i->j
compare sum with max_sum

T(N)=O(N2)T(N) = O(N^2)

Storing to cut off calculatation

  1. Algo.3 ( Divide & Conquer )
def MSS( sequnce a[n], int start, int end ):
if length <= 1 : return a[n]
left = MSS (a, start, mid)
right = MSS (a, mid, end)
total = max_sum for mid->end + max_sum for mid->start
return max( left, right, total )


T(N)=O(NlogN)\Rightarrow T(N) = O(N\log N)

Algo.4 ( DP )

state transition equation

maxSum[i]={sequence[i]+maxSum[i1]sequence[i]>00sequence[i1]+maxSum[i1]<0maxSum[i] = \begin{cases}sequence[i]+maxSum[i-1]&sequence[i]>0\\\\0&sequence[i-1]+maxSum[i-1]<0\end{cases}


T(N)=O(N)T(N) = O(N)


Logarithms in the Runing Time

Eg Binary Search

requirement: static & sorted

T(N)=O(logN)T(N) = O(\log N)


Checking Your Analysis

  • Method 1: try

  • Method 2: calculate, use limit