Mid Term Record
For a binary tree, if its pre-order travel sequence is { 4, 2, 1, 3, 6, 5, 7 }, and its in-order travel sequence is { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, then 4 is the parent of 3. [F]
/ \
2 6
/ \ / \
1 3 5 7
Which of the following statements is FALSE? [B]
Given a finite set of elements S. The sequences
are permutations of S. Start from an empty stackST
, which of the following statements is TRUE? [B]A. If
is the pushing sequence andout
is a corresponding popping sequence ofST
, then in and out must be different.B. If
is the pushing sequence ofST
, then it cannot be determined ifout
is a possible popping sequence.C. If
is the pushing sequence andout
is a corresponding popping sequence ofST
, then in andout
might be in reversed order.D. If
is the popping sequence ofST
, then it cannot be determined ifin
is a possible pushing sequence.注意语态是被动的, 栈的输出序列并不能确定栈的输入序列
Suppose that the level-order traversal sequence of a min-heap is { 3, 8, 12, 63, 17, 26, 82 }. Use the linear algorithm to adjust this min-heap into a max-heap, and then call DeleteMax. The postorder traversal sequence of the resulting tree is: [C]
A. 8, 17, 12, 63, 3, 26
B. 3, 12, 17, 8, 26, 63
C. 8, 12, 17, 3, 26, 63
D. 63, 17, 8, 12, 26, 3
- 线性调整算法:
- 从给定的最小堆数组开始
- 从右到左遍历数组,从最后一个节点的父节点开始(即数组中最后一个元素的父节点)直到根节点
- 在每一步中,将当前节点与其子节点进行比较
- 如有必要,交换当前节点与较大的子节点,以保持最大堆的性质
- 持续此过程,直到整个数组被遍历
- 删除后的堆的结构:
/ \
17 26
/ \ / \
8 12 3
- 线性调整算法:
The array representation of the disjoint sets is given by S = { 2, 9, 2, -5, 4, 10, -1, 4, -4, 8 }. Keep in mind that the elements are numbered from 1 to 10. After invoking Union(Find(1), Find(10)) with union-by-size and path compression, which of the following statements is FALSE? [B]
A. S[1] = 9
B. S[2] = 4
C. S[6] = 10
D. S[10] = 4
A graph with 100 vertices and 12 edges must have at most ____ connected component(s). [95]
注意是最多有几个连通分量, 因此考虑牺牲 n 个结点消耗 12 个边, 剩下的就是最多的连通分量, 问题就转化成了 12 个边最少包含几个结点, 也就是 n 满足 , 解得 , 也就是有 1 个 6 结点连通分量和 94 个 1 结点连通分量, 总计是 95 个
The function is to return the reverse linked list of
, with a dummy header.List Reverse( List L )
Position Old_head, New_head, Temp;
New_head = NULL;
Old_head = L->Next;
while ( Old_head ) {
Temp = Old_head->Next;
Old_head->Next = New_head; // blank 1
New_head = Old_head;
Old_head = Temp;
L->Next=New_head; // blank 2
return L;
} -
The function
is to find the height of a binary tree T. The height of a leaf node is defined to be 0.The tree structure is defined as the following:
typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;
struct Node{
int Data;
PtrToNode Left, Right;
typedef PtrToNode Tree;Please fill in the blanks.
int Height( Tree T )
int left_H, right_H;
if (T==NULL) return -1; // blank 1
left_H = Height(T->Left);
right_H = Height(T->Right); // blank 2
return ( max(left_H, right_H) + 1 );
}注意题目说叶子的高度是 0, 因此递归到空树 (也就是叶子的下一层) 要返回 -1 消除叶子对高度的影响