Chapter 6 Graph - Shortest Path

BFS (for unweighted shortest path)

void Unweighted( Graph G, Queue Q, int dist[], int path[], Vertex S ){
Vertex V, U;
NodePtr ptr;

dist[S] = 0;
Enqueue(S, Q);
while ( !IsEmpty(Q) ) {
V = Dequeue( Q );
for ( ptr=G->List[V].FirstEdge; ptr; ptr=ptr->Next) {
U = ptr->AdjV;
if ( dist[U] == INFINITY ) {
dist[U] = dist[V] + 1;
path[U] = V;
Enqueue(U, Q);

Dijkstra’s Algorithm (for weighted shortest path)


void Dijkstra(Table T){
Vertex V, W;
V = smallest unknown distance vertex;
if(V is not a vertex){
T[V].Known = true;
for(each W adjacent to V){
if(T[W].Known == false){
if(T[V].Dist + Cvw < T[W].Dist){
Decrease(T[W].Dist to T[V].Dist + Cvw);
T[W].Path = V;

T=O(V)O(inner algo.)T=O(|V|)*O(\mathrm{inner\ algo.})

Not work for negative weight edge

Different Implenentation

  1. Array
    Good if the graph is dense
  2. Priority Queue
    Good if the graph is sparse

SPFA (for graph with negative edge costs)


Topologic Sort (for acylic graphs / DAG)

T=O(E+V)T=O(|E| +|V|) and no priority queue is needed

AOE Netwoks

See also

EC[w]=max(v,w)E{EC[v]+Cv,w}EC[w]=\displaystyle\max_{(v,w)\in E}\{EC[v]+C_{v,w}\}

LC[v]=min(v,w)E{LC[w]Cv,w}LC[v]=\displaystyle\min_{(v,w)\in E}\{LC[w]-C_{v,w}\}

SlaveTime=LC[w]EC[v]Cv,wSlave Time=LC[w]-EC[v]-C_{v,w}

Critical Path

All-Pairs Shortest Path

Network Flow Problem